Friday, 31 July 2015

Last Friday Favourites - July Edition

I just thought I would remind you all of this.

And yes, you are right. Today is actually Saturday, the first of August, however I was extremely busy yesterday and therefore not able to write up Last Friday Favourites - July Edition.
So, lets get to it.

Number 1: So this month there has been some great music released, so I am going to share a list of my absolute favs and others songs I have dug up.

  1. 'She's Kinda Hot' by 5sos, now if you haven't heard this song listen to it. It is different to their other stuff, but is leaning to other bands which I love and I'm pretty sure it is because they have been writing with them. 
  2. Like I'm Gonna Loose You ft. John Legend by Megan Trainor. A great song.
  3. Adam Lambert, 'Ghost Town' form his new album.
  4. 'Drag Me Down' by One Direction, this surprise song was only released yesterday and I can't deny I love it. 
  5. Forbidden Envy have released a new song called 'End Of Time'. These guys are an  Aussie alternative rock band and are pretty cool, you should check 'em out.

Second for this month would definitely be my Body Shop, Tea Tree Skin Clearing Face Cleanser, it not only freshens, cleans and reduces excess oil, but is a anti bacterial so it clears up most blemishes and reduces breakouts. It isn't harsh on the skin and after a few days of use I could already see a huge difference. I have been using it for over a month, my face is looking clearer and brighter, i have also had far fewer breakouts.
there is a foaming wash available as well, which I am told is exactly the same formula. 

Third is another cosmetic, NSPA Peach Shower and Bath Gel. I have mentioned this brand before in a previous Last Friday Favourite, were I talked about their coconut scrub and how I wanted to purchase the Peach Shower Gel, I made a good choice. It is just as great, it smells amazing, includes natural vitamins and it just makes you happy.

Forth is Blu Tack, I have recently used so much blu tack to stick some photos up and I just thought I would let it know its appreciated it. 

Five is pumpkin pie. It is amazing and if you have never tried it before I suggest you do.

Thank you all so much 
I hope you enjoyed it. If you have or want to get any of these products let me know in the comments below.
Mads =) xox

Friday, 17 July 2015

Dulce de Leche Filling & Other Things

Hey Amazing People,
First... Um there are 270 of you! THAT'S AMAZING!!! Also this weeks most popular Instagram posts are macaroons and puppies are my most popular posts, I just thought I would share that with you. 

Like I said in my previous post, today I will be sharing with you how to make Duche de Leche Filling, which I used in my macaroon recipe. Let's get started. 

Ingredients and Equipment

  • 1 395g can of Sweetened Condensed Milk
  • Boiled water (amount depends on how large your trays are)
  • Glass dish- oven safe
  • Either a roasting pan or cake tin - large enough for you glass dish to fit in and easily remove
  • Aluminium Foil

1. tie back long hair and wash your hands, Stay sanitary  :)

2. Pour you condensed milk into the glass tray

3. Cover the glass dish in foil

4. Place foil covered tray in cake tin/roasting tray 

5. Fill the rest of the roasting tray with boiling water until it comes to the same height on the glass as the condensed milk.

6. Bake in the oven at 220 degrees Celsius for 1 hour.

7.CAREFULLY remove from the oven and stir, It will 
be super hot and so will the surrounding water.

8.Use as filling or topping or eat. 

TAH DAH! The Duche de Leche Filling.
Have you made this, a variation or want to have a go? let me know in the comments below.
Are there any particular things you guys want me to write about? I'm just curious.
I hope you enjoyed and have a wonderful day/night.
Mads xx


Friday, 10 July 2015


As you may have noticed, today is Friday and I have decided to share a recipe with you all...
You may have guessed it already, Macaroons. 

The shells I am making are just plain so you add your own twist to them, but I have decided to put in a caramel filling, specifically Dulce de Leche filling ( I am pretty sure that's what it is called). So lets get started:

INGREDIENTS and EQUIPTMENT- for the macaroon shells

  • 4 Egg Whites
  • 1/4 cup of Castor Sugar
  • Food Colouring of your choice
  • 200g of Almond Meal
  • 1/2 cups of Icing Sugar
  • Pinch of Salt
  • 1/2 tea spoon of Vanilla Essence
  • Large Bowl
  • Sieve
  • Spatula
  • 2 Trays 
  • Baking Paper
  • Electric Mixer
  • Measuring Cups
  • Large Cup

  1. Stay sanitary and pull back long hair (I'm sure you daont want to pull it out of your macaroon) and wash your hands!
  2. Pre-Heat oven to 160  degrees Celsius
  3. Separate your eggs, egg whites in a large bowl and yolks in a smaller bowl ( my dog likes them mixed with his biscuits or you could make custard...)

4. Whisk with an electric mixer on high, gradually adding in the castor sugar, until eggs become stiff and can form white peaks. If your game enough try and hold it upside down above your head. At this point mix in your choice of colour to the egg whites- you can use the electric mixure for a few sweconds and it should be done or fold in with a spatula

If you can't tell, that last photo is me holding the egg whites that where turned pink, upside- down without them falling out. I was so proud, they always fall/spill when I try this.

5. Mix your almond meal, icing sugar and salt, the sieve it into your egg whites. Mixcarefully with a spatula.

    6. Prepare trays by placing a sheet of baking paper on them and just to be sure, lightly spray them with some oil.
    7. Fill your piping bag with the mixture. To do this I put the bag in a huge cup and fold the edges over the rim so it looks like this...                                                                      

    It is heaps easier, then just scoop the mixture into the bag, twist the end and if you want these pegs can keep it closed so it doesn't come out the top. Cut the bag about 1cm from the tip.

    8. Pipe onto the trays so they are about 3cm in diameter, make sure you space them out a bit so they have some room to grow if they need.

    9.If There are little peaks on you soon to be shells you can dip your fingers in water then smooth them over.

    10. Let them sit for about an hour before you put them in the oven.
    bake them for 30 minutes and then let them cool completely before you fill them.

    11. Once cool, take a small spoon of filling and put it on one shell, squish another half on top and TAH DAH, A MACAROON!

    Hope you enjoyed it, I think you will find this a little more detailed than my last recipe post. They may not be the prettiest but they taste good :)
    MY next post might be the recipe for the Dulce de Leche filling, it is so simple, OR a list of some great up and coming Aussie bands I have been stumbling upon on YouTube and Instagram.  
    P.S I have 250 followers on Bloglovin' , 45 followers on Instagram and 19 on Pinterest, YAY THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!
    Also Happy Birthday Ashton.
    Have a lovely day/night
    Mads xx :)