Friday, 24 April 2015

Last Friday Favourites, April!

first of all, long time no post. I am so sorry. I have an excuse, don't worry; you ready to read it... My computer broke... It actually did, I was freaking out because I was like oh no, my assignment is due in two days! Legit was so scared. Yes, I probably could have done it on my phone, however, that takes a lot  strugglig and effort; usually resulting in little result and a lot of frustration and anger. Anyhow, the computer is now in good enough condition to complete Last Friday Favourites! April edition! yay.

This month includes:

This gorgeous and amazing Leather Fitted Jacket from the QV Markets actually. It was an investment but its getting a little cool ( I'm cold) and I have been wanting a new one for so long now. Lets just say my old one has been worn One too many times.

SECOND: My most recent beauty purchase would be my Revlon, Colour Stay, Browmaker; in the #02 Light Brown. I am actually quite impressed with this product, it is really easy to use and has good results so far. which I did mention in my Liebster Award #2 Post, check it out if you missed it.

Also in beauty my, Baby Lips. I know it is quite old and I have had them before but I am going back to keeping it in my handbag to take with me everywhere.It is easy to apply, moistrises, SPF, tints and smells good. My latest is the ..., I am not a huge fan of the orange scent in this (never a huge fan of orange and should have paid more attention to the fact it was) but the colour isn't overly powerful, my lips go a cute peach colour.

I hope  everyone is enjoying the new Future Hearts album, by All Time Low, released on the 7th of this month. I am pretty in love with it. Especially 'Kids In the Dark','Dancing With A Wolf' and 'The Edge of Tonight'.

So, I have recently discovered this amazing invention called Instant Nail Polish Dry, by Natural Look Australia. It is a spray which instantly dries the surface of you nail polish, moisturises nails, cuticles and skin with vitamin E. This is particularly fantasticly amazing for me as I somehow stuff up my nails just by breathing; I legit will not (that I ever remember) touch anything and my nails will stuff up. Usually.  

Another nail product to help with my clumsiness is the Cutex Quick Dry Top Coat- Rapid Colour Lock. 60 seconds and BAM, dry. Its very helpful but even then I may still need some spray. I know, that's bad...  

So that is all for this post I think, I hope you enjoyed!
Doesn't my background of the photos look like weird, soft, fluffy grass?
Do you have any of these items? let me know what you think about them in the comments :)
Have a lovely day/night

Mads =)

Friday, 10 April 2015

Liebster Award #2

Hey Guys,
How you all doing? As you may have noticed by looking at the title, I have been nominated by two great blogs, Brittany and Ella to do the Liebster Award. Yes that is correct, two people have nominated me, thankyou so much the both of you! 
Now because both blogs nominated me I am going to just combine them in to one big one =)

The rules for this are as follows:

  1. Link back to the person who nominated you
  2. List 11 fun facts about yourself
  3. Answer 11 questions that the person who nominated you gave
  4. Nominated 11 bloggers (or blogs) who have under 200 followers and give them 11 questions of your choice to answer.
  5. Notify your nominees by leaving a comment on their blog with a link back to your post.
Now because both blogs nominated me I am going to just combine them in to one big one =) and instead of writing 11 fun facts about me, just answer both sets of questions. 

My questions from Brittany are:

1. If you could only shop in one store for clothing, where would it be?

I was going to say Myers or something because they supply everything but then realised I can't afford anything there, so... Probably Target or Cotton On because they both have a variety of all clothing types and usually up to date with the styles they supply.

2. What is your most recent beauty purchase?

My most recent beauty purchase would be my Revlon, Colour Stay, Browmaker; in the #02 Light Brown. I am actually quite impressed with this product, it is really easy to use and has good results so far.

3. What is your all time favourite lip product? 

Currently me Baby Lips, Lip Balm. It is just amazing; it adds a little colour, moistriser, SPF, and feels great.

4. If you could live in any city in the world, which one would it be?

I am currently thinking Melbourne, NYC or somewhere else. 

5. What is on the top of your current beauty wishlist?

I am currently in the market for a new mascara, I of course have heard many recommendations and reviews online about many different brands and stuff  but this has just given me so many more options and is making it harder to choose. 
so if you have any recommendations or preferences, let me know in the comments below. PLEASE. I know it shouldn't be this hard but I can't decide.

6. What is on the top of your current fashion wishlist?

I am looking for an affordable pair of cute heels. A pair that can be easily matched and paired with most things.

7. How would you describe your style?

My style can range from being a fairy princess to light grunge (black skinny jeans and band tee's) and hobo depending on what I feel like that day and whats appropriate for the particular occasion.

8. What is your all time favourite perfume?

I am in love with the perfume 'With Love' by hilary duff and 'Soft Musk' from Avon (this actually came in the shape of a Christmas tree and with a same scented hand cream).
Both are quite sweet scented but I really like them.

9. What is the one piece of advice you would give to your younger self?

I would tell myself to take advantage of nap time in kindergarten; don't resist a rest               ( hahahahahahaha, get it? oh my, I just started laughing and people were looking at me like 'what is wrong with her') 
Also, rock that pretty pink raincoat you have, it is totally adorable, everyone will be jealous and if you don't your future self is going to be so annoyed with you.

10. Where is your favourite place to eat out?

Macca's: it is in my budget and I can get a happy meal because there isn't an age limit in the description saying if you are older than 12 you need to get an expensive adult meal.
Either that or this cute Thai place in the city, sorry I cant remember what it is called but it is traditional and stuff, I think, so you can sit on the floor with these special cushions that are designed to be like table chairs. It's so cool. The food is pretty good too, don't go on Sundays though, they are closed then; I found out the hard way.

11. What are your plans for Summer 2015?  

Sleep, Friends, Movies, Beach, Bowling, Cool photos and Books. If I can afford it, maybe some travel too.

My questioons from Ella are:

1.What made you want to start a blog?

Mostly just something to do, get my thoughts out there and talk about makeup and fashion, travel and basically what ever I feel like. I just thought it would be fun, it has also gotten me into reading more blogs then I used to and I think it is great.

2.What is your best memory from childhood?

Probably camping with my family.

3.What is your favourite snack?

Chocolate because it is amazing or apple and peanut butter, it is not as weird as you might origianally think; I saw it pinterest and some other blogs and thought 'hey, lots of people are suggesting it, how bad can it be?' so I tried it and it is really nice I think.

4.What could you not live without?

My fam. Easily. Yeah you may say its cheesy and typical but honestly is, I don't know what I would do without them.

5.Where would you most like to travel to? 

Probably North America... and most other places I could go. I would really like to do some volunteer work somewhere but don't know where yet.

6.Favourite band/musician and your favourite song of theirs?

That question is basically impossible for me to answer, I love ATL, almost all music (almost) ranging from SWS & ATL to Ed Sheeran & 5sos . Yes, yes I even like 1D.

7.What is one thing you are looking forward to?

I am really lookign forward to my future travels to a city I will anounce at a later date to watch a 5sos concert. =)

8.How would you describe your style?

Please refer to question 7 asked by Brittany

9.What is your favourite book?

The Divergent series is probably my favourite to date, it has been a long time since I have read it but just can't find one that tops it yet. Any suggestions I should give a go? let me know.

10.Who is your idol and what would you say to them if you could meet them?

Honestly, there are so many people I idolise, listing them would take a long, long time.
But currently in my life, right now, my parents. They are a huge part of my life and I couldnt imagine a better person to be in their places . lucky for me, I get to speak with them every day, usually.

My questions to nominees:

1. How would you describe your style?
2. If you could go anywhere tomorrow, where would you instantly go?
3. If you could be a food, what food would you be?
4. Favourite beauty product at the moment?
5. Favourite Song or Album at the moment?
6. Books or Movies? I f so, which one specifically?
7. What fashion item is at the top of your wish list?
8. Who in the world do you wish you could meet?
9. Favourite Food?
10. What advice would you give your younger self?
11. Why did you start Blogging?

And I Nominate:

Monday, 6 April 2015

An Eggcellent Easter

Good day Everyone,
Today is EASTER! I hope you are all having a eggcellent day so far (see what I did there?); filled with  chocolates, egg hunts and bunny rabbits. Also to those who are religious and see this as a day not only about chocolate but why we have this day to begin with, have a lovely day :)

Today, I was lucky enough to wake up with a huge surprise on my bed side table, know what it was? 
A HUGE KINDER SURPRISE!!! That is correct, I opened my eyes to see the most glorious of all chocolate eggs in giant size, waiting to be opened by mwa. Before I opened it I said good morning to the family. You know that amazing feeling you get when you walk into a kitchen with the smell of things baking in the oven, specifically cakes is lingering? Well, I was fortunate enough my mum had decided to make some fruit loaf and hot-cross buns this morning. Great start to the day. 

To be completely honest, yes, I did eat my  chocolate egg for breakfast.  There was no hesitation in ripping into this huge pile of joy; partially to eat it and partially to get to the toy.

 It is an amazing toy may I just say. I got a cute little Tazzy Devil which catapults these little leaf discs into a hippopotamus' mouth; while they stand in a cardboard waterhole/savanna thing! How cool is That?!?
 No joke, look at these pics for proof:

I bet you wish you had a cute little Tazzy Devil which catapults these little leaf discs into a hippopotamus' mouth; while they stand in a cardboard waterhole/savanna thing!
Just joking.

I hope you all have a fantastic day/night!
 How did you celebrate Easter? Let me know in the comments below :)
Mads =)

Saturday, 4 April 2015

Aria Argan Gold Review

How is everyone? Today I thought I might do my first product review, so I guess we will see how we go...

Recently I received the Aria Argan Gold Gift pack from my Nans and I am kind of in love with the products included. There is a 240ml Bottle of Shampoo, 240ml bottle of conditioner and a 15ml Oil Treatment. I am pretty sure that Argan is Argon; so if anyone thinks I am just messing it up, I swear that is what it is called and how it is written on the bottles.

Lately there has been so much talk on Argon oil and the benefits it has on your hair, I have been excited to get some to give a go. However, I personally have seen some crazily priced items so this is a fantastic gift; thank you Nans! As this was a gift I am not sure exactly how much it costs but I am thinking it probably wasn't $5.

The shampoo and conditioner is designed for Damaged, Dry - Frizzy, Straitened or Hair Extensions; it contains vitamins and some anti-oxidants to re-hydrate and help repair hair. It is a real help for me, my hair has been in some trouble lately, dry and frizzy but this has made it much easier to control and really smooth.
It smells fantastic; like, so good. Your hair stays smelling great for days,

The Oil is just as good when it comes to smell (which I think really matters). It is absorbed by the hair really quickly to reduce frizz, to hydrate the hair and protect hair from environments. your hair becomes smooth silky and shiny and then you can just style it as usual. It can be used as a treatment  if you apply and message in, then leave an hour and wash it out with shampoo and conditioner. Or it can also be used as a body moistriser! All you need to do is warm in hands and then rub it in. I think that's pretty cool.

the Packaging is cute and simple, there are different designs depending on the hair type; for example mine is for medium-thick hair and my relative got a thin hair package which looked different but smelt just as good. There is a cute gold bow in the corner so give it as a gift.

Over all it is totally cute and I think it is pretty good =)
It  does all that it specifies and my hair is doing great. All of the info is on the packaging and they have a website if you are curious, which I actually need to check out. 
Hope you enjoyed this and if you like it or would like me to do another just let me know in the comments below. 
Thanks a lot, have a great day or night.
Also, have a Happy Easter, may your morning be filled with chocolates and egg hunting!
Mads =)